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Biblical Help for Real Life Square
Ladies, join us for “Enduring Trials & Suffering,” a video seminar, on Thursday, April 10, at 6 p.m. There is a $5/person charge. Last seminar: “Developing a Vibrant Prayer Life” on April 17.

2025 Dental Clinic
Volunteer your help at our free dental clinic on Friday & Sunday, March 28 & 30. Professional dental workers, general volunteers, and translators are needed both days. Please register at to volunteer. The general set-up will be Wednesday, March 26, at 6:30 p.m., not on Sunday, March 23. The dental set-up will be on Thursday, March 27, at 9 a.m. Everyone is welcome to help with set up and tear-down.(Sunday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m.)

March 2025 Food for Thought
Get Ready for Spring Gardening!
Join us at Food for Thought on Monday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of great food and gardening inspiration. Enjoy a delicious salad bar dinner while picking up tips to get your garden off to a great start. Plus, plant and take home your own lettuce starters! Get Ready for Spring Gardening!
Join us at Food for Thought on Monday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of great food and gardening inspiration with Mindy & Rachael. Enjoy a delicious salad bar dinner while picking up tips to get your garden off to a great start. Plus, plant and take home your own lettuce starters!Get Ready for Spring Gardening!
Join us at Food for Thought on Monday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of great food and gardening inspiration with Mindy & Rachael. Enjoy a delicious salad bar dinner while picking up tips to get your garden off to a great start. Plus, plant and take home your own lettuce starters! RSVP to the church office ASAP to ensure there are supplies for you.
Join us at Food for Thought on Monday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of great food and gardening inspiration. Enjoy a delicious salad bar dinner while picking up tips to get your garden off to a great start. Plus, plant and take home your own lettuce starters! Get Ready for Spring Gardening!
Join us at Food for Thought on Monday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of great food and gardening inspiration with Mindy & Rachael. Enjoy a delicious salad bar dinner while picking up tips to get your garden off to a great start. Plus, plant and take home your own lettuce starters!Get Ready for Spring Gardening!
Join us at Food for Thought on Monday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of great food and gardening inspiration with Mindy & Rachael. Enjoy a delicious salad bar dinner while picking up tips to get your garden off to a great start. Plus, plant and take home your own lettuce starters! RSVP to the church office ASAP to ensure there are supplies for you.

Giving Garden CSA 2025

Women’s CRAF-TEA
Women's Ministries invites you to CRAF-TEA on Sunday, April 13, from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This year’s annual TEA will include an opportunity to join in a variety of CRAFT projects. A light meal will also be provided. We welcome gals of all ages. Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet in the lobby or to the church office by Wednesday, April 10, to ensure there are supplies for you.

Agape Supper
Let's celebrate the gift of salvation together with communion and a special agape supper on Friday, April 18. Invite friends to join us to begin Easter Weekend.

Rosario Campout 2025
Save the Date! Our Rosario Church Campout will be May 9-11. Cabin reservations are now open.

Rosario Weekend Retreat: Take Root, Bear Fruit
May 9-11 Weekend Theme: Take Root, Bear Fruit
Fruitfulness is a theme that appears all throughout the Bible. In the beginning, God created a fruitful and flourishing world. In the end, He will bring a fruitful and flourishing future. And in the meantime, Jesus is in the business of creating fruitful and flourishing lives. At this year's Rosario retreat (May 9-11), Pastor Jordan will lead our church family in discussions about what it means to be rooted and fruitful as followers of Jesus. We hope you can join us for this special weekend to connect and grow together.
Fruitfulness is a theme that appears all throughout the Bible. In the beginning, God created a fruitful and flourishing world. In the end, He will bring a fruitful and flourishing future. And in the meantime, Jesus is in the business of creating fruitful and flourishing lives. At this year's Rosario retreat (May 9-11), Pastor Jordan will lead our church family in discussions about what it means to be rooted and fruitful as followers of Jesus. We hope you can join us for this special weekend to connect and grow together.

WA Conference Camp Meeting 2025
The urgency of the hour and the priority of the Holy Spirit are reflected in this year’s theme for camp meeting “The Time is NOW!” Join the Washington Conference family June 16-21 at Auburn Adventist Academy. Many surprises await those who seek the Savior at this year’s camp meeting! Come ready to pray and prepare for Pentecost. The time is NOW! Learn more at

Prayer Meeting is Virtual
Join us weekly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on TurboBridge for prayer meeting from any location you choose! Contact the church for dial-in instructions.

Weekly Bible Study
Join us for Bible Study each Saturday from 10-11 a.m. We have classes for all ages birth and up.
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